One of the reasons that we incorporate yoga in Education is the importance of the pineal gland. We understand as adults how crucial it is to us and our development. But why wait until the damage is done? Why not prevent the calcification in our children.
It turns out the "Third Eye" isn't a mysterious belief held by yogis and spiritual types. The Third Eye is real! In the Western world, this incredible feature of our brains is known as the "pineal gland." It's a tiny pea sized gland tucked behind the pituitary gland, and may just be the most important part of our brains to maintain. Now, we're not saying any part of the brain, is less important than another, but reading on will reveal what the pineal gland does and why this "grand regulator" is the reason of reasons to look into a whole foods, plant based diet. Our pineal gland connects us with space, time, and the natural world. A high-functioning pineal gland and optimal wellness are almost always a key focus of high achievers and great success stories everywhere.
So how does it work?
The pineal gland begins serving our minds and bodies as our official light detector. Our mental and physical stability is directly tied to our inner understanding of day and night. Our capacity to comprehend light and dark dictates our circadian rhythm and our production of melatonin, the hormone most important for quality sleep. Everything we do in life and how healthy we can be are based on the quality and quantity of our food, water, and sleep. Food and drink directly impact the health of our pineal gland, which in turn reacts to the world around us. Sleep aids are among the most commonly utilized medications on the market. With the role our diets and lifestyles play in the damage of our pineal gland, it's easy to put two and two together.
What is "calcification?"
The root of the word "calcium" is there, and it plays a role in the damage to our pineal gland. The chemical most connected to the calcification of the pineal gland, however, is fluoride. Fluoride is administered by conventional dentists across the country, and in a majority of our drinking water. While there may be a connection to cavity protection, there are many, many ways to improve dental health without costing your mental health. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland more than anywhere else in the body, eventually leading the formation of phosphate crystals. This hard shell effect encasing our pineal gland is known as "calcification." In effect, the more calcified a pineal gland is, the more likely it is to inhibit our circadian rhythm, sleep, and cognitive awareness. The blood barrier that most of the brain uses to separate most of itself from the rest of our bodies does not include the pineal gland. The pineal gland, as a result, receives more blood flow anywhere in the body aside from the kidneys. It is more susceptible to diet and lifestyle choices than the rest of the brain. Therefore, foods that are low in nutrients, high in chemicals, food colorings, preservatives, and more lead to the calcification of the pineal gland. Heavy metals in certain foods, atmospheric pollution, and consumer goods like plastics containing BPA also play a role in clouding the third eye.